online store Corporate Workshops in California — Exactly Where You Want To Be

You want growth and profitability for your growing company. You have assembled a killer executive team. You need to motivate them, align them, and be ready to propel your company into future success.

Whether it’s a new product/service, new team members, a business pivot, or a planning session - bringing in a trained and motivating facilitator positions you and your company as a serious players.

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Strategic Planning Workshop

You and your team must be hands-on and engaged for a genuinely strategic mindset. Our philosophy is that everyone should be intimately connected to the organization's vision and genuinely invested in the future it holds. And while the product may come first for some, we think this isn't enough to get that support from all team members.

So we bring your company its vision and plans in person through best-selling book author Nick Leighton, an engaging keynote speaker and workshop facilitator who makes himself available for speaking engagements nationally and internationally.

Our team can also integrate a whole offsite experience if you want to get away from it all!

Book Nick to come to your city or offsite location to facilitate and lead strategic business planning sessions for you and your team. You'll gain insight into your business and leave with new systems and clear business priorities for your next quarter, next year, and beyond.

Culture & Team Workshops

We analyze your team's communications and behavior to understand why they might be experiencing conflict or facing challenges in their team. We then facilitate interactive exercises which aim to nurture supportive relationships, increase mutual understanding, strengthen leadership skills, generate creative solutions to shared concerns, build a desire for effective teamwork and support effective collaboration. Finally, to become self-directing, productive groups with the capabilities to perform at their best, find out more by setting up a quick discovery call.

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